Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Lunch box club get involved!!

I want us all to encourage and motivate each other! Lunchbox club assemble!

Either post pictures to the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/miss.sofit


Post pictures to Instagram and tag @healthymisssofit or @sophiejadeoz 

Hash tag #lunchboxclubsofit

Yummmyyyyyyy! We can all inspire each other on healthy packed lunch ideas! And I will feature them into the blog!

Here's mine from today

We have my mix I prepped on Sunday: bulgar wheat, quinoa, lentils, yellow split peas, lots of beans. With olives, mushroom, us blushed tomato and sourkraut and a side of spinach, rocket, tomato and pepper salad!

What have you got?

Sofit xxxxxx

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