Friday, 11 October 2013

Julienne peeler!

Today turned or to be a good day. 
For only geeky reasons- I had a delivery! A food / kitchen utensil delivery!

Honestly- it's the best £3.50 I ever did spend!

I present to you my amazing julienne peeler!

With this wonderful creation, I peeled some carrot into a bowl, with a squeeze of lemon and a dusting of black pepper.

Served it up with some fish cakes and enjoyed!

Buy one! You won't regret it. I'm so excited to try some other ideas with it!

Sofit xxxxx

A morning brew.

I am really starting to get into my herbal teas now.

What's your flavour?

Sofit xxxxx

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Oriental Lunch.

One message that I will always push, is that eating out does not mean eating bad. No matter where you eat- you can eat healthily. 

I had lunch at a restaurant in Islington, not far from the hospital that I work in this week. They are used a lot by the staff for there lunch time sushi deals. However as I am trying to be as paleo as possible I am avoiding carbs, therefore sushi was not allowed :( So I had an amazing big soup bowl instead :) full of nutritious Chinese vegetables and seafood. I also had a side of edamame beans.
So tasty. The soup was on the menu with noodles, noodles were not allowed due to the carbs, so I asked for mine minus noodle = carb free clean and healthy paleo friendly lunch! :)
Edamame beans have amazing health benefits, so eat them all up!

Sofit xxxxxxx

Whole Earth Peanut Butter!

It is true. I am an addict. A whole earth peanut butter addict. Sorry. Not sorry.

I'm allowed to be addicted- this stuff is good! Tastes good and is healthy good too!!

This morning for breakfast I had what my body wanted- a big mug of camomile, vanilla and honey tea with a slice of preservative free rye bread and peanut butter! Perfect.

This was enjoyed whilst reading 6 chapters of my new book, with my feet up after a walk and long shower. 

A great start to the day!

Sofit xxxxxxx

Avocado spread time!

I've said it before, and I will say it again...
Avocado spread is the best!!

Lunch today was my perfect go to meal-
•Preservative free Rye Bread
•Mashed avocado - spread like butter
•Soft boiled eggs
•Black pepper 

H E A V E N !

This one is so quick and easy to make, and only has 3 ingredients. Plus salt and pepper.


•Boil 1 or 2 free range eggs for 3 minutes
•Toast 1 or 2 slices of Rye Bread
•Mash avocado into a spread
•Apply spread to toasted Rye Bread
•Add a little salt 
•Pop on the egg, slice into quarters
•Arrange nicely and add pepper
•optional- Cut Rye Bread into bite size pieces

The avocado spread tastes just like butter with a little salt on. Honest! It's amazing!!

Step by step pictures:


Sofit xxxxxx

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Breakfast on the go.

Good morning shiny happy people.

Meh! Sometimes I am really not a morning person. But that's fine. Breakfast is easily sorted with zero effort.

Mission lazy breakfast- 
The night before follow these steps:
•Boil 2 eggs
•Put a piece of fruit in your work bag
•Put a herbal/green tea bag in a hot drink holder

That's it! In the morning- grab the eggs, pot boiling water in the cup and go.

Sofit xxxxx

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Paleo style easy quick dinner

This is the second time I have had this dish in 7 days. It seems to be my Toxic Free Tuesday evening meal standard choice. 

This is a perfect paleo style dish, which is clean, healthy, nutritious aaaand delicious.

3 ingredient dinner:
•Free range eggs
•Mixed leaves
•Smoked salmon

Simples- later up in a mug or bowl.
Mixed leaf base 
Scrambled eggs next
Salmon to top

Add plenty of black pepper. 

Last week I had it as a 2 ingredient mug- egg and smoked trout. 


SoFit xxxxx

Realistic motivation

"Lets be realistic here. You don't drop two jean sizes in one day. You won't lose fifty pounds in one month. You're going to binge out every now and then. You will go a day or two without working out. Your weight is going to fluctuate here and there. You're going to try new techniques, and they're not going to work. You're human. You're going to fail. But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles."

So keep going!!! :)

SoFit xxxxxx

Monday, 7 October 2013

Weekend struggles

A lot of you all ask me the same question- how do you manage to remain clean and healthy at the weekends?

My answer this weekend is- I wasnt perfect myself. However, I didn't do as bad as I usually/could of done considering I was at a wedding and hungover on a Sunday.

Top tips:
•Eat healthily as far into the weekend as possible. Eg Saturday before going out try and eat clean for breakfast and lunch if dinner is out. 
•Exercise. Do a quick intense 30 minute workout Friday after work / Saturday morning / Sunday (if no hangover / hangover allows).
•Don't lose the plot. So you want to drink and eat the same as your company- do it. Just don't go overboard, binge or order the worst thing possible.

Best tip:
•Forget about it. Don't beat yourself up about it afterwards. Drink plenty of water to flush it out, don't give up and be bad for the rest of the weekend and work out at the next possible chance- get back into a routine.

This weekend I had a wedding- therefore meal choice and alcohol consumption was not optional it had to be done ;)
I had a lovely weekend and ate some yummy food - and I don't regret one single thing.

I am back to being healthy today & even made some healthy choices yesterday with a hangover.

The wedding meal and desert- there was no way I was passing on this. It was amazing.

The hangover breakfast minus toast & butter, with lots of water and fresh juice.

Carrot and ginger juice with my wagamamas prawn curry with extra chillies!! :)

Evening hangover hunger pains got satisfied with some miso soup, this yummy salad and half of the sushi.

Gallons of water throughout Sunday and a 10 hour snooze had me feeling (nearly) fresh today, and I have eaten clean all day. 💪

Hope you're all back to another healthy week- especially if you had a fun weekend like mine!

SoFit xxxxx

Nandos- paleo style!

For anyone who hasn't been following my blog recently- I have now decided to go back to my former diet from when I was in my best shape. That is a meat eating and carb controlling dietary intake. I realised that the paleo diet seems to fit hand in hand with this, so that is what I am giving a go. 

Read up on Paleo! Do a google search or take a look at #paleo on Instagram for some great pictures and recipes!

Eating out isn't too difficult with this diet, and my boyfriend seems to find it great that I am now eating meat again because I am more likely to want Nandos with him!

Last week we had this yummy platter from nandos- which fits in perfectly with my paleo approach:

A whole chicken, 5 wings, 2 corn on the cobs, macho peas and side salad split between 2 (with more to him- I was stuffed from all that meat!).

After 5 and a half days paleo I feel good, my belly is going down and I feel full of beans! Woohoo, it's working!

Anybody got any feedback on paleo? Recipe ideas? Feel free to share! :)

SoFit xxxxx

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Food Diary

A lot of people ask me for tips on eating clean and staying on track. The one thing I always always advise - is to keep a food journal.

I write down every single thing that I have to eat, including any drink that isn't water (therefore has calories), every day and every week.

I find that writing down your food teaches you a lot about your diet and where to make improvements. It shows you where you need portion control, at what time of the day you are at you weakest or hungriest- and from that you can adjust, amend and improve. 💪

When I say portion control I don't just mean making your meals sizes smaller: keeping a food journal showed me that at some times I can slip into undereating & having a typical "dieting" mentality. Which is not good, I avoid undereating like the plague.

I aim to eat 3 times a day. Healthy and clean food with nutritional benefit.
 I also like to plan ahead & enter tomorrows food, I find that this helps me to keep on track and not snack. 
However if I am hungry one day, I will snack- I will never make myself go hungry just to stick to my journal. I listen to my body, and eat when I am hungry- within reason & healthily. 

I am human, and I do have treat meals. I also do slip out of my healthy mind set, especially on a weekend, even more so if its a weekend with alcohol involved. But I will still complete my journal and use it as encouragement and motivation for a healthier cleaner week to detox out the bad bits.

Give it a go, keep a journal and see if it helps you in the same way it helps me. 
Let me know how you find it.

I have some people send me there food journals for me to advise improvements and give feedback. I can do that for you also, or find a friend who wants to do this with you.

Just remember to be careful to focus on being healthy and not "diet", also be careful not to develop an unhealthy obsession over the journal. It is just a way of keeping track of your intake & reflecting on how to improve or stay on track- a positive and teaching tool.

SoFit xxxxxx

And I quote...

Anyone who knows me will know that I love quotes and affirmations! I don't understand how you can't. 

Here are a few of my ones recently posted to Instagram that I particularly like. I hope you like them too! :)

SoFit xxxxx

Bare minerals supplies

I am in love with my make up bag now! I went shopping with one of my closest friends and came home with a WHOLE BAG full of goodies!

My favourite is, of course, all of my bare minerals make up. I also got some of the cleanser and moisturiser. I love love LOVE it! And so does my skin!

Bare minerals is chemical free, and promotes itself as treating your skin at the same time as being a make up. 

I can't wait to stock up again and eventually have every single product that they own. Haha. A new addiction has been born! 😊

SoFit xxxxx