Thursday, 3 August 2017

(( B O U N C E ))

I was invited down to a taster session of BOUNCE. 
A workout led on individual mini trampolines, to some serious dance music!

I must admit that I was slightly apprehensive (as always with workouts that aren't HIIT or resistance training- I'm so predictable)... so, will I enjoy this!?

It was sold to me by the assurance that it would be putting me back in touch with my dancing days, whilst being extremely fun!
Well, I will be the judge of that. 

I was supplied with some brightly coloured leggings *stepping out of my gym wear comfort zone*, and advised to pick a spot closer to the front.
So I chose the front far corner... confident, but still hidden if needs be. Right? Wrong. The lovely dance studios had mirrored walls- I could see my reflection ahead and stage right.... so I quickly & slyly dropped back a row!! 🙈😂 What a wuss!

Now a little about the coaches. 
The founder Kimberlee is a very bubbly & bouncy (see what I did there!?) blonde & tanned Essex lady! She worked with another coach, their energy was pretty contagious. 
They started the brand with just a small class in Essex, and now BOUNCE is a hugely known workout. They're very passionate about it, and this shows.

So.... it's time to BOUNCE. Cue the loud fast pace dance music & away we go.
Who thought it would be so difficult to bounce on a trampoline!? 
I knew that I would probably struggle sliiiiiiightly more than others (Hello, I am one of the clumsiest people on earth)... But. Seriously. What a workout!!
The girls taught you to bounce down with your legs, so your upper body stays at the same height. Think burning legs!!! 
Then we were doing all sorts with our upper bodies: dancing, jabs & hooks. The list goes on, and the sweat was real!!
There was even a core/abs section, involving lying on your trampoline and inflicting serious pain. 
Now, I workout, but this was intense. These girls are like pocket rockets. They're seriously fit & energetic, and even though the workout was tough they laughed and smiled the whole way through. I found myself laughing along & that probably helps you to push through.

My overall view. BOUNCE is actually a really tough without. Tough but fun- emphasis on the FUN. Definitely one to try with some friends, I really do recommend it.

It's open to all levels, as you can put in as much as is possible for you. So no worrying about not being able to do it, or not feeling "fit enough".
I left feeling like I had had a real giggle, but also sweaty & knowing that was a great workout. Endorphin high!

So... take a look online & find a class near you. It honestly is worth a try. It could be just the thing for you. 
No pressure, no intimidation, no scary weights..... just laughs and sweating- sound like your kind of thing? 


((BOUNCE)) handles:

  • Facebook - Bouncefitbody
  • Instagram - bouncefitbody

Sophie/Sofit xxxxx

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Turmeric Salmon Ciabatta Rolls!

After a Saturday morning workout I had my self a protein shake! 👌
Then went home and realised it was 2pm and I hadn't eaten yet!! 😱 I forgot to eat!? That never happens! 
I made this amazingly tasty lunch.... think warm bread & melted butter!!! So good.


•Olive Oil
•Garlic/Chilli/Salt grinder
•dried Chilli Flakes
•Curry powder
•Ciabatta Rolls (I got mine from a bakery- but Tesco/Waitrose have part baked ones)
•Butter (I use/loooooove Lurpak slightly salted)



•Pre heat Olive Oil in baking tray
•Drizzle Salmon with Olive Oil, then use plenty of Chilli/Garlic/Salt
•Sprinkle with Turmeric so well covered, but lightly
•Just a small sprinkling of Curry Powder
•Sprinkle with Chilli flakes to taste
•Cook for 18 minutes (skin side down) on 170c, basting twice (10 mins & 14 mins in as example)
•Cook Ciabatta & prep Salad whilst waiting 
•Butter the top section of the Roll
•Cucumber slices to the base
•add Spinach then serve the hot Salmon flaked on top (to soften/wilt the spinach)
•Top with the buttered piece to let it melt
•Serve & Enjoy!!! 👅 

Sophie/Sofit xxxxx