Saturday 23 November 2013

Paleo review time!

 It has been about 2 months since I returned to a meat eating diet with low carb intake and avoiding processed food; time for a reflect and review.

I feel so so SO much better since eating meat again. 
I feel like I have bags more energy, better mood, less cravings and I'm cheating half as much even on planned times. I'm exercising more, and recovering quicker, I'm have more motivation and my body has started improving in the last 2 weeks since going stricter. Even my skin and hair feel better!

I have been getting stricter with myself as the weeks have gone by, and plan to cut it even stricter from Monday. I've been doing a lot of reading and research into the paleo, primal and whole 30 diet approach and the results/evidence they provide. It's all making me even more motivated and inspired to cut back and get even stricter. Why not? I am honestly feeling better and better every day- so clearly it is working for me! 

'Abs are made in the kitchen',
'Weightloss = 20% exercise 80% diet',
'Food can help you or hinder you'....

Basically- it all starts with food!

If you're interested in reading more I would advise you to read the above book. I'm hooked! You can find me every day on the way to and from anywhere with my nose pressed against my iPad/iPhone reading this on kindle!

Have a great weekend- make healthy choices

Sofit xxxxxx

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