Monday 18 November 2013

Friday & Saturday Diary entry.

Is everybody still keeping their food diaries? I really think that it helps me to stay on track and encourages me for the following day. I sometimes often write in the diary for a few days ahead also, this helps me to plan and again encourages me to stick to the plan.

I also pop down what exercise I have done that day.  Find that this helps when I am trawling back through my diary, feeling like I have lost the plot or gone off track. It's actually quite reassuring when you notice that actually- I didn't eat all that bad at all, AND I did 30 minutes exercise etc, and then that reassurance will encourage me to carry on! 

But of course, it works in the opposite situation also. I always put everything in my diary- even alcohol, even a bite of chocolate. Be honest. 
So if I have fallen off the wagon and had a bad day (or two) I will simply read back over my diary and use it as encouragement to stop and to contribute being clean and healthy. If I don't see any exercise written next to the entries then it gives me motivation to go do some! It really works for me. Give it a try! :)

Working breakfast on Friday was Salmon & Eggs with a peppermint tea. 
Lunch was leftover beef, carrot roasts and pancetta sprouts (see previous post).
From work I had my hair done, and didn't get home until 9.15! I grabbed a mixed bean salad & chorizo salad mini pot from M&S for dinner.

Breakfast on Saturday was this amazing saVse super red smoothie- literally crammed with raw goodness.
Brunch was a big breakfast and organic sourdough toast.
Dinner was a massive treat meal at Bar Baloud at the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge. An amazing treat! 

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Sofit xxxxxx

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