Friday 27 June 2014

Smashed Avocado & Eggs!

Bread & Butter

Sausage & Mash

Adam & Eve

Tea & Biscuits

Beyoncé & JayZ

And of course Avocado & Eggs!

One of my favourites! 
Smashed avocado with a sprinkle of sea salt is the perfect butter alternative on regular bread, rye bread, quinoa bread, rice cakes .... Whatever you like! 

If you still haven't tried this- what are you waiting for?!

I've been going on and on about this one since the very start of my blog. It's amaaaaazing.

Today I toasted a piece of regular brown bread, spread on smashed avocado sprinkled with salt, added some hock ham & eggs. Pepper to top. JOB DONE! 

Sofit xxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 24 June 2014


Well so much for that summer body!!!
Anyone else thinking the same?

I had a great holiday in Dubai & Turkey and gained myself a few extra pounds that I was meant to tackle as soon as I landed in the Uk.
But I kinda haven't been practicing what I preach, and instead had a crazy weekend catching up with friends over (lots of) food and alcohol. Sorry!!
But it's fine! I am back now! 
With a BANG!  
Or something like that anyway! :)

So, plans for this healthkick:
  • Drink lots of water! Lemon & cucumber infused water preferably.
  • Exercise at least 4 times a week!! Even if it's a half hour!
  • Eat for fuel, not for reward. Eat clean, healthy & fresh! I need to break out of the food is a reward- instead I will be buying myself a small gift every week that I am healthy! 
  • Everything in moderation! I've decided in order to stick to it for longer, I will not be restricting anything, but will eat (or drink) in moderation. Therefore hopefully avoiding any binges! 
  • Chill out & accept it's going to take time. I'm really not going to be where I want it 2 weeks- give it time Sophie!! 

Tonight's night shift goodies are all healthy and fresh. Mixed salad, chicken & baked potatoes, cherries, grapes, satsuma and lots of infused lemon water. 

Hope you're all with me!
Sofit xxxxxxxxx