Wednesday 18 December 2013

Butternut squash wedges!!!

Ive had so many of you say how much you loved the jacket squash, and found it perfect for those days when you reeeeeally wanted some comforting, high carb food. I grew up with jacket potato being one of my favourite meals, and would have it 3 times a week through the winter, with loads of butter and cheese! Well I'm not going to encourage the butter or cheese because you don't need it. The Jacket Squash is so tasty that it would be too much with any butter or cheese. Honestly- try it!

So I have found another amazing potato fix for us! I love it so much I have it again today for lunch- the third day running!! 

I present to you- the magnificent Squash Wedges!

Once these are cooked they come out looking a bit dark on the top- but that burnt looking edge is actually what makes the flavour so much like potato wedges! So so good!!

Yes, again: quick, easy, simple, healthy, nutritious, tasty, child friendly and will fit into any diet you may follow- BECAUSE IT IS ONLY REAL FOOD! :) 

Simply cut into wedges shapes and sprinkle with lots of paprika and a little black pepper, oven cook on 180c for 40-60 mins.

Enjoy!! Let me know what you think.
Play around with the seasoning, it's goes well with a whole range of spices and herbs :) 
Serve with my homemade hummus from a previous post for heaven! ;)

Sofit xxxxx

Christmas wobbles are arriving!

'Twas the week before christmas, and everything was finally settling down....
So I am now moved house and in my new job, crazy week is definitely over.

I don't know about you guys but I am eating cleaner than clean this week as I know what next week brings- and I can't wait for it!... But I want to feel like I deserve it.
After last weeks eating on the go, not eating clean and drinking alcohol I felt horrible and was just eating more horrible food because I was starting I get stuck in that rut I know so well. But not this week! Oh no no.

I've got some catching up to do on what I have eaten lately, but most of it has just been quick and easy stuff.

For example, last night I had a yummy big bowl filled with 4 eggs, salmon and garlic and coconut oil satéed mushroom and spinach:

Super filling, easy and quick to make, super clean, perfect paleo/whole30/weight watchers/slimming world .... Whatever type of diet you follow this will fit in!!
Why?! Because it is all clean and real food! No additives, no sugar, no salt, only good real fats and full of nutrients. 

Try! Enjoy!! :)

Sofit xxxxx