Friday 6 December 2013

Meatball & Brussel Hash.

So I opened my fridge to a load of organic vegetables and some lovely meat that I had bought at the start of the week with the intention of making a casserole, but I just didn't fancy it! Especially when I had 16 massive good quality eggs sat looking pretty. (I love eggs!)

So I decided instead to chuck everything in a pan and fry up a hash with some yummy poached eggs on top- with lots of runny yolk! :)

I used every veg that I had in my fridge except the Brocolli and green beans- that would of been to adventurous even for me! It turned out great- the runny yolk sold it to me as a 9/10 dish that I will be making lots more in future in a few different varieties. 

Hash is defined as a dish that has chopped up veg, potato and meat in a pan. That's pretty loosely the only definition, so it leaves it open as to what type of hash you want. I always used to love a corned beef hash when I was younger, and I love my Brussel sprout tree, so I just threw it together and crossed my fingers for the result.

This dish will definitely be bottom of some people's lists because I know that some of you do not like sprouts (!!!) .... To be honest I don't understand how?! But that's only because I have always loved them ever since I was a little kiddy, I always ask my mum to do sprouts when she makes her infamous roast dinner. They're my fave!

I mean, look how happy I look! A Brussel sprout tree, just for me :) 
Ok, let's get to the hash:


Beef meatballs

• White Onion

• Brussel Sprouts

• Swede 1/2

• Carrot x 2

• Parsnip x 1

• Sweet Potato 1/2-1

• 2 x Eggs per serving 

➰ Fry meatballs in pan- no oil required

➰ Julienne peel 1 carrot & Chop all remaining vegetables into odd shapes cubes and slices for different texture

➰ Once meat is cooked cut meatballs in half and add veg to the same pan, cook the vegetable in the meatballs juice/oil

➰ Season with salt and pepper and whatever flavouring you prefer. 
(I added chilli powder, chilli flakes and diced fresh garlic)

➰ Poach/Fry/Soft boil 1/2/80(?!) eggs 

➰ Add lots of black pepper, creat a yolk porn effect and enjoy!!! :)

Ps Did you notice both of my eggs have a double yolk in them! Extra yolk! Twice!!
I have never had a double yolk before in my life- I was so impressed with this.... THEN I made some eggs to be reheated at work the next day and got ANOTHER TWO double yolks :) Happy Sophie.

I hope you all have a great weekend, happy Friday xxxxx

Sofit xxxxx

Thursday 5 December 2013

Gammon and roasted radish.

Tuesday nights dinner was a random mix of what I fancied. A plate full of nutrition and taste. I loved it!

I bought some thick good quality gammon steaks, I haven't had gammon for a long time and really enjoyed it. Of course you HAVE to have eggs with gammon! That's the rule! The yolk with the taste of gammon is just perfection.

I tried another new roasted item with my meal- a roasted radish. I decided to read into the nutritional benefits of a radish (it's very good for you by the way) and found that you could eat it roasted! New to me! When I told my mum what I was making for dinner that night she called me weird! Haha. But actually, my review is: ROASTED RADISH IS GOOD!!! Seriously. It tastes really good. You have to try it. 

I simply just chopped them in half and popped them in an oven dish with my sweet potatoes and roasted for 30 minutes on 175c. I used organic virgin coconut oil, salt & pepper and chilli powder.

They tasted great with gammon and egg, and the brocoli and runner beans were a good side.

So- Try it! I hope you enjoy :)

Sofit xxxxxxx