Friday 30 June 2017

STRONG by Zumba! <No shimmying included>

I was lucky enough to be invited down to try the brand new STRONG by Zumba workout just over a week ago.

"STRONG by Zumba™ is a high intensity interval training workout driven by the science of Synced Music Motivation. ... STRONG by Zumba™ is a High Intensity Interval Training class using more traditional fitness moves for a more athletic, conditioning-style workout."

As the fitness & HIIT fanatic I am, I immediately RSVP'd a firm yes! How exciting? A brand new style of workout that sounds right up my street! 

Hold on....
🤔 I'm not sure that my thing!?

Although I have years of Dance & Cheerleading history to my name, Zumba has never been my thing. I'm confident I can pull a few moves (what a geek) but the whole Latino, elegant/sexy & swinging of the hips... I'm a bit too much of a clumsy Giraffe for that! 😬🙈

A quick bit of reading & research later and I was comforted by almost the first piece of information I found.....


No, it definitely wasn't a dance class.
It was a seriously intense, challenging and sweaty workout- my heart was literally pounding the whole way through. 

STRONG by Zumba have teamed up with Team GB athlete and Olympian Perri Shakes-Drayton and Made in Chelsea star and personal trainer Ryan Libbey. 
I knew it was going to be tough when Perri jokingly warned that the class gets harder and harder, and that even the warm up is tough! SHE WAS NOT JOKING!

The class is designed like no other HIIT class I've been to.... you will do every single HIIT body weight exercise known to man during this class. But what makes it original is the music! 

The team worked with producers such as Timbaland (legend!) in a reverse method.... aka the workout routine was created, and then the music was built to fit it. With a beat for every single move. 

The result? You feel so encouraged & driven to keep going - even when you feel that pain barrier/exhaustion, you really are distracted & keep going. 

So.... if you see STRONG by Zumba is on near you, go book yourself in! Honestly, seriously. You can thank me later! 🙃
The class is so much fun- not only is effective at burning calories & toning you up, it is seriously enjoyable too! I can not recommend it more.

Enjoy 😘
Sophie/Sofit xxxx