Monday 18 August 2014

Monday Dinner/Bubble & Squeak!

Me and my lovely housemate Nicole made a massive roast dinner for the two if us yesterday. Massive. It easily could of fed a family of 5!

But instead.... 
I made us an old childhood favourite of bubble & squeak.

I didn't chop the food as small is standard, didn't mix in the mash, only used a small amount of thin gravy and kept the cabbage leaves big.
Simply fried it all in a little olive oil with salt and pepper..... Aaaaaand...... Added some bacon!!! The result was goooooood.
I roasted some parsnip and carrot as a side and had a spoon of my leftover mashed potatoes. 

Add oil to a pan
Heat, add salt and pepper
Add Bacon & Beef (cut into chunks)
Add 2 crushed Garlic cloves 
When bacon is cooked add all veg chopped to desired size,
Stir fry for 7-10 mins,
Add small amount of gravy and simmer
Allow to bubble & squeak.
Serve & enjoy!! :)

For the roasted Parsnip & Carrot, I simply chopped and roasted on a tray with olive oil and salt & pepper. 

Easy peasy bubble and squeaky!

Sofit xxxxxxxxx