Saturday 9 November 2013

Pret- healthy fast food lunch!

Yeh I know I'm a geek- food really is one of my favourite things. So.... Imagine how happy I was when I wandered into pret for a salad and found that they now sell ready to go FRITTATA in their hot section!! Pret are stepping it up! You all know how much I love eggs, and especially how much I love a frittata.

This one was the vegetarian option because it looked amazing- Spinach, Feta and Butternut Squash! Soooo yummy and filling!

Try it!

Sofit xxxxx

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Full of beans.

Snack attack perfection from Monday -
Green beans and feta cheese, peppers and chilli. Purchased from a regular newsagents/off license.


Sofit xxxxx

Burger Monday!

On Monday I was finally invited to a burger Monday! 
My boyfriend and his friend have been to a few of these nights now. Basically a guy in London has set out to find the best burger in London. This consists of 5 rounds of 6 different places competing in a pop up location, and the punters eating a half burger from each place, and then voting on who they thought was the best.

Well, this week the girlfriends were invited. So off to Camden brewery we went!

Apart from some amateur mistakes (eg sauce and burger dropping down my coat) I think the girls did well. We had half tickets, so just had 3 half burgers, but greedy guts over here topped up to the 6. 🐷🐽 I actually couldn't eat much of the last 2 or 3 ha- but I'm glad I gave it a try haha.

I voted for Iberica, who were the only people there serving a pork burger- by far the tastiest patty. Burger bear was my second favourite- definitely the tastiest burger. The bun and the sauce they servd was crazy good! Shake shack were there too- you can't go wrong with a shake shack burger in my eyes- we even got a free tshirt! Wahoo! 

I'm hoping I get invited to the grand final round! I think I may of caught onto burger fever. 

This was definitely a fatty night. I couldn't do this every week. Massively worth it!

Sofit xxxxx

Bonfire night treats.

I've been thinking about introducing all types of meals that I make and eat into my blog, and turning it more away from strictly clean to a more balanced lifestyle.

I thought I'd start with the amazing meal I had on bonfire night in North London- baked honey and garlic Camembert, toasted sourdough and fig salad.

It was absolutely amazing! I ate way too much of it! This was actually a portion for one person- but was shared between 2.
They had stuffed actual whole cloves into the cheese before heating it- insane! 😍

Yum yum!
All in moderation and keep active! :)

Sofit xxxxxx

Rainbow salad.

Quick. Simple. Healthy. Easy. Nutritious.

Need more reason?

Chop it all up and pop it in a lunch box! :)

Ham and chilli olive salad prepped for 2 days lunch this week. Keep on track. Preperation is key! 

Sofit xxxxxx