Saturday 11 January 2014

Sheperds Pie.

I am a real lover of traditional English dishes and haven't posted this recipe yet. I've been making this one for a few years now, I used to make it with quorn mince when my opinion was that quorn was healthier than meat (not anymore!!! No processed shiz for me), so obviously recently I've been making it with mince.... Today however, was the first time in a while that I have made it with lamb mince. It made such a difference! It was sooooo tasty!

I made this after work tonight for just me and my mother- she loved it, had a second helping and told me that I can definitely make it again! :) Success!


•Lamb mince
•Salt & Pepper
•Sweet Potato
Optional gravy and cheese

•Brown mince in a pan
•Add chopped onion, mushroom, tomato, chilli, peas, basil and salt & pepper ~ simmer
•Peel, chop and boil potato & cauliflower
•Add mince to caserole dish
•Mash sweet potato and cauli
•Put mash on top of mince, add pepper
Add grated cheese
Add to oven on low to keep warm whilst:
•Boil chosen side vegetables (I had sprouts, brocoli, cabbage & carrots!)

Serve & Enjoy 

Sofit xxxxxx

'Breakfast' Chorizo & Bacon Egg Muffins.

I say 'breakfast' but these beauties can be eaten at any time. 
I had mine cold in the car in the drive to work. I was pleasantly surprised at just how well these had turned out- literally full of taste and a good texture instead of a bit mushy like they sometimes can be. 

They are the perfect sin free meal or snack idea, and really you can out any type of filling into them. Eat them cold or reheat them.
A perfect protein boost!


•7 Eggs
•Bacon- 1 slice per muffin

•Whisk 5 eggs
•Add chopped veg into mixture
•Line muffin tray/cases with coconut/olive oil
•Preheat oven 200c
•Wrap 1 slice of bacon around the inside edge of each muffin case
•Spoon in equal parts of mixture to the top
•Oven cook on 160c for 10 minutes
•Whisk 2 eggs and top up mix to each muffin
•Cook for a further 20-25 minutes on 160c
•Serve immediately or leave to stand before removing

Tip: Top up the mix because as it starts cooking the egg level goes down- for a full shape top it up :)

I hope you like them as much as I do!

Sofit xxxxxxx

Friday 10 January 2014

Butternut Squash soup & Bacon.

Copied from my Instagram account:

I've told myself off massively today! I cracked at lunch time and had some junk that the nurses had brought in, and it made me feel so ill! I have had constant reflux, stomach pain, uncomfortable bloating and indigestion type pain since! I dragged myself to body pump hoping if I ignored it that it would go- the pains got worse so I've had to cancel going out for dinner with a friend and sit at home telling myself off! But, hey, I'm only human - we all have slips- but I'm back on it. I was in too much pain to eat but don't want to skip meals so I made a creamy vegetable soup with a easier of crispy bacon chopped up!

This is a great healthy quick fix to suit all diet types.


•Butternut Squash








•Chicken Stock

•Salt & Pepper

•Chop all ingredients up & dice garlic

•Boil in a small amount of chicken stock

•Simmer with added herbs, chilli & seasoning to taste

•Blend ingredients ~ blender/hand blender

•Simmer whilst frying streaky bacon in olive/coconut oil

•Put bacon onto paper towel and pat off excess oil/grease

•Serve and Enjoy :)

Sofit xxxxxx

Thursday 9th Food Diary.

Breakfast: Egg, Mushroom, Tomato and Ham.

Lunch: Mixed Grill, Egg, Salad and Peas

Dinner: Salmon, Sweet Potato & Spinach.

Yesterday I did a spin class at the gym.

I hope you had a good day too!!

Sofit xxxxxx

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Cauliflower Egg Fried Rice.

I promise you, hand on heart.. I would not lie to you...
This recipe tastes EXACTLY like a good egg fried rice if it is cooked properly.
Honest to God! Everyone in my house tried it and agreed.

Cauliflower Rice is a common go to for Paleo/Primal diet followers, but i hadn't got round to trying it due to not owning a food processor. But fear not, I still do not own a food processor- instead I used a regular hand held grater (cheese grater).

As you all know I am on the Whole9 cleanse and have been following paleo(ish) for a good few months now. Paleo is: NOTHING PROCESSED(!!), NO Dairy, NO grains, Plenty of Meat & Fish & Eggs & Vegetables, with portioned amounts of Fruit and Nuts. Sounds strict? Sounds confusing? Sounds overpowering? Honestly- it's not. Have a look through my recent recipes- I have been making some amazing dishes full of taste and that are really filling all following the paleo approach. It's easy.

Follow me on facebook and Instagram for daily links to all of my meals and recipes: and Instagram: @healthymisssofit :)

For tonight's meal I made the Chorizo Chilli Beef recipe from last week and teamed it with some steamed cabbage and Egg Fried Rice (Cauliflower- but you won't taste the difference!!).


  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Spring Onion
  • Egg
  • Coconut / Olive oil
  • Salt

  • Heat oil in a frying pan/wok
  • Grate (or food process) Cauliflower into desired portion size
  • Add diced Garlic and thin sliced Spring Onion to oil & Salt to taste ~ 2-3 minutes
  • Add Cauliflower to oil ~ turn every minute, cook until golden ~ 6-12 mins approx
  • Clear a well/circle hole in the centre of pan and add 1 whisked Egg
  • Using a fork whisk the Egg slowly in the centre until it starts to solidify
  • Use the fork to 'toss' the Egg through the Cauli-Rice
  • Cook for a further 1-3 minutes until desired colour
  • Serve and top with thinly sliced Spring Onion

Cook on medium heat- its better to cook it slow than fast.

I can't wait for you all to try this one, it's definitely going to be a regularly consumed dish for me from now on. I have lots of varieties of the dish all ready for trial and to be shared with you all.

Share any pictures of your lovely attemps with me please :) I love seeing them!

Sofit xxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Whole9 Day 2 Food Diary: Tues 7th.




Another successful day of eating real food only! :)

Sofit xxxxxx

Gym workout & Day 2 cleanse update.

I rejoined my old gym today and had a 60 minute freestyle workout on the gym floor. Considering I have had over 4 weeks out of the gym and have lost my shape completely, I didn't feel too bad and only stopped at 60 minutes because I had to go to work at 4pm. 
I worked up a good sweat and could feel that good shake you get after a workout, but this is just baby stuff compared to how I'm going to progress- this was just a warm up! You hear that body?! BE PREPARED! 

I was absolutely starving after so I ate my ham salad with a boiled egg at about 5pm, then I had a 3 egg omelette and salmon at 8pm as my tummy was rumbling. Protein loaded! :)

I am on Day 2 of my Whole9 cleanse. It feels great to detox with whole food as opposed to attempting the once/twice a day smoothies (aka vomit) that I tried to have last January. I am enjoying every single meal time, feeling both full and satisfied after- PLUS am having zero to tiny amounts of sugar in my diet which means I am feeling energetic from good wholesome foods instead of sugar rushes.

The benefit of cleansing and detoxing with food vs liquid is that eating solids is a natural function for your body; we stopped drinking fluids as a baby and naturally progressed to solids, so why would we want to reverse back to fluids now as adults?! 
As a nurse I don't agree with any of the liquid cleanse/detox programmes out there- the body should have its normal functions: we should chew daily, swallow solid daily and digest whole food daily. We should not be stripping our body of its capability- it's not natural and over a long time could cause health problems.

Maybe I would be more open to juice cleansing if my body got on with it more, but I just can not live without food. I much prefer chewing, feeling satisfied/full and enjoying my food. A belly of liquid gives me reflux and makes me feel sick. So that is my body saying 'No thank you!!' 

I am 100% anti any 'meal replacement' liquid cleanse out there- slim fast, weight watchers shakes, Aloe Vera.... All of them! They're a pile of rubbish- they harm your body, and you won't be keeping off any weight you might of lost! Because you starved your body the next time you eat your body is going to grab and hold onto that food! And it usually sticks in the places that you don't want it to and stores it as fat! 

Stop and assess whichever detox/cleanse you are following this January- are you happy? Are you satisfied?... Or are you starving, tired, moody and on a sugar roller coaster?



Here is my gym workout from today: 


Sofit xxxxxx

Monday 6 January 2014

Garlic Loaded Sweet Potato.



I have made another 10/10 dish. I am so chuffed with this one- it tastes so good that it is hard to believe it is healthy! Also it is filling AND satisfying... perfection.
I have a lot of new recipes to trial this week for you all- so stay tuned for more amazing sofit recipes!

Monday sucks on a normal day. But today was the first day back after 2 weeks Christmas holiday, and it was tipping it down AND...well....I don't know what else.
However my day perked up massively whilst cooking and eating this dish. I really enjoy cooking. I want to get really good at it, I think I am still very basic.
2014 goal: learn to cook super challenging dishes! :)

Ok, no more chatting, more food....


  • 3 Sweet Potatoes
  • 4 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 pack of Bacon
  • 3 Shallots
  • 5 Mushrooms
  • 6 Garlic cloves
  • Coconut / Olive oil
  • Salt, Pepper, Mixed Herbs, Chilli
  • Sides: Green Beans & Mixed Leaf salad with shredded Carrot

  • Bake Sweet Potatoes on 200c for 60 minutes then take out to stand and:
  • Cook small cubed chicen in Coconut oil and Garlic
  • I crushed 2, Diced 2, and thin sliced 2 Galic cloves. 6 in total.
  • Add thin sliced shallots when chicken is cooked - 2-4 minutes
  • Add very thinly sliced mushrooms to mix
  • Season according to taste and simmer whilst prepping potato
  • Cut Potatoes in half and scoop centre into a bowl
  • Mix 1/3-1/2 of the centre with the Chicken/garlic mix
  • Add Chicken mix to potato boats
  • Wrap each half Potato in 1 slice of Bacon
  • Cook on full until Bacon is cooked with a crisp
  • Fry green beans in chicken pan with leftover garlic flavoured oil
  • Serve and ENJOY!!

I would love to see pictures if you try :) It makes me happy seeing you all giving my recipes a go.
Have a great week!

Sofit xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 5 January 2014

Roasted Brussels and Squash.

It goes oh so well together. You just have to try it.
Brussel sprouts and butternut squash oven roasted in a light mix of coconut oil, sald, pepper and a dusting of chilli.
As you all know by now I am completely obsessed with Brussel sprouts, in any way shape and form. When oven roasted the individual leaves crisp and taste so good! Even people that don't like sprouts should try them this way- you will like them! You just have too! Haha.


•Coconut oil
•Salt, pepper & Chilli

•Cut sprouts in half
•Cut squash into small chunks
•Drizzle with melted coconut oil
•Season to taste
•Roast on 190c for 30-45 mins


Sofit xxxxx