Monday 19 August 2013

FEAST festival- battersea park.

What a good weekend!

Yesterday FEAST festival proved to live up to its name. Me and my lovely friend Polly (check out her blog: went over to battersea park in the sunshine for a day of feasting!

We started out with an amazingly refreshing lemonade 😍 (minus the offered vodka).

There was a real mix of food- you could be healthy or fill your boots on fried chorizo and potato in a box (it looked so good!) chocolate and ice cream. We walked around and got a feel for it all - sampling all of the tasters as we went!

We settled on half a springbok burger each- the leanest meat apparently. Leaner than ostrich! It was really tasty & good!

I tend to avoid meat 95% of the time- initially this was due to quorn having less fat, more protein, and being rasier to cook and being cheaper. But the reason I avoid meat now is due to the negative effect that meat protein has on the body. (Read up on this or keep your eyes pealed for me to blog about it this week). However, I am still making this meat avoidance transition, and because I knew that this meat was of good quality (not a fast food burger or tinned sausages(!)) I had it- and enjoyed it!! 

We then shared an amazing plate of vegetable tagine, with Cous Cous, olives and salad 💛 Nutritious aaaaand Delicious! Here's Polly again admiring the goods!

They had so many Vegan options, and a lot of places offered gluten, dairy & wheat free varieties. We got some mullet crackers (perfect for dipping into my home made hummus recipe from a previous post). We sampled some smoothies, falafel and vegan soda bread loafs!! 

A good day definitely- i LOVE food. 
I hope you all had a great Sunday too!

Sofit xxxxx

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