Tuesday 7 January 2014

Gym workout & Day 2 cleanse update.

I rejoined my old gym today and had a 60 minute freestyle workout on the gym floor. Considering I have had over 4 weeks out of the gym and have lost my shape completely, I didn't feel too bad and only stopped at 60 minutes because I had to go to work at 4pm. 
I worked up a good sweat and could feel that good shake you get after a workout, but this is just baby stuff compared to how I'm going to progress- this was just a warm up! You hear that body?! BE PREPARED! 

I was absolutely starving after so I ate my ham salad with a boiled egg at about 5pm, then I had a 3 egg omelette and salmon at 8pm as my tummy was rumbling. Protein loaded! :)

I am on Day 2 of my Whole9 cleanse. It feels great to detox with whole food as opposed to attempting the once/twice a day smoothies (aka vomit) that I tried to have last January. I am enjoying every single meal time, feeling both full and satisfied after- PLUS am having zero to tiny amounts of sugar in my diet which means I am feeling energetic from good wholesome foods instead of sugar rushes.

The benefit of cleansing and detoxing with food vs liquid is that eating solids is a natural function for your body; we stopped drinking fluids as a baby and naturally progressed to solids, so why would we want to reverse back to fluids now as adults?! 
As a nurse I don't agree with any of the liquid cleanse/detox programmes out there- the body should have its normal functions: we should chew daily, swallow solid daily and digest whole food daily. We should not be stripping our body of its capability- it's not natural and over a long time could cause health problems.

Maybe I would be more open to juice cleansing if my body got on with it more, but I just can not live without food. I much prefer chewing, feeling satisfied/full and enjoying my food. A belly of liquid gives me reflux and makes me feel sick. So that is my body saying 'No thank you!!' 

I am 100% anti any 'meal replacement' liquid cleanse out there- slim fast, weight watchers shakes, Aloe Vera.... All of them! They're a pile of rubbish- they harm your body, and you won't be keeping off any weight you might of lost! Because you starved your body the next time you eat your body is going to grab and hold onto that food! And it usually sticks in the places that you don't want it to and stores it as fat! 

Stop and assess whichever detox/cleanse you are following this January- are you happy? Are you satisfied?... Or are you starving, tired, moody and on a sugar roller coaster?



Here is my gym workout from today: 


Sofit xxxxxx

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