Monday 7 October 2013

Weekend struggles

A lot of you all ask me the same question- how do you manage to remain clean and healthy at the weekends?

My answer this weekend is- I wasnt perfect myself. However, I didn't do as bad as I usually/could of done considering I was at a wedding and hungover on a Sunday.

Top tips:
•Eat healthily as far into the weekend as possible. Eg Saturday before going out try and eat clean for breakfast and lunch if dinner is out. 
•Exercise. Do a quick intense 30 minute workout Friday after work / Saturday morning / Sunday (if no hangover / hangover allows).
•Don't lose the plot. So you want to drink and eat the same as your company- do it. Just don't go overboard, binge or order the worst thing possible.

Best tip:
•Forget about it. Don't beat yourself up about it afterwards. Drink plenty of water to flush it out, don't give up and be bad for the rest of the weekend and work out at the next possible chance- get back into a routine.

This weekend I had a wedding- therefore meal choice and alcohol consumption was not optional it had to be done ;)
I had a lovely weekend and ate some yummy food - and I don't regret one single thing.

I am back to being healthy today & even made some healthy choices yesterday with a hangover.

The wedding meal and desert- there was no way I was passing on this. It was amazing.

The hangover breakfast minus toast & butter, with lots of water and fresh juice.

Carrot and ginger juice with my wagamamas prawn curry with extra chillies!! :)

Evening hangover hunger pains got satisfied with some miso soup, this yummy salad and half of the sushi.

Gallons of water throughout Sunday and a 10 hour snooze had me feeling (nearly) fresh today, and I have eaten clean all day. 💪

Hope you're all back to another healthy week- especially if you had a fun weekend like mine!

SoFit xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I was a part of this healthy / hungover food bonanzaaa! :o)

    My latest post:
