Monday 26 August 2013

Chilli Beef!

This is the PERFECT filling for spinach wraps or Lettuce leaves!
The other great thing about this recipe- it is perfect for kids too! Just season accordingly/skip on the chilli if needed :)

Quorn Mince Meat (If you are a meat eater you can use lean beef mince/lean turkey mince)
Organic veggie stock cubes (Oxo cubes/Regular stock cubes)
Fresh chilli/chilli flakes/chilli powder (or ALL of them like I do!!)
Coconut Oil

Dice your onion, tomato, peppers, garlic and fresh chillies
After heating your coconut oil in a frying pan, add your diced veges and stir regularly
In another pan cook your mince of choice with a stock cube crushed over the top, with coconut oil
When your meat is cooked, add in your veges

Here, you can decide whether the texture is as you want it. When I am making this filling for spinach or lettuce wraps I like to leave it. But you could always add in some water or passatta/tomato puree

Season as you desire with chilli flakes/powder, salt and pepper & serve immediately into your wraps
Top with my home made quacamole or hummus to make it even better! ENJOY!

You don't have to use all of the veg listed, it works well with just the mince, garlic & chilli. Or can use different veg- beans works well with this!!

SoFit xxxx