Tuesday 29 October 2013

Forgot to make breakfast?

I know people say that being healthy is easy and you're making excuses if you don't eat clean... But I am not one of those people!
I know for a fact that eating clean 100% takes some thought and effort. A lot of preparation is needed to have a perfect diet.

My breakfast tends to consist of 2 boiled eggs and 2 portions of fruit. But if I'm not home the night before in order to boil some eggs then I find myself grabbing something from a shop or cafe, which means if I am running low on will power that morning, I end up with a low nutrition and high carb option. I just can't help it. The croissants smell so good, the toast shouts out my name and don't even get me started on McDonald's hash browns!! (Hey- nobody is perfect!)

So as you can imagine- I was very happy to find myself having a smoothie twice last week for breakfast. No effort required and no health shop needed. The local corner shop stocks these babies! :)

So breakfast was a smoothie and some nuts (which I always have in my bag) which I would call a perfectly clean and nutritious breakfast.

Some people criticise these type of smoothies due to their sugar content. But let me remind you that all of the sugar is naturally occurring from the fruit & there is no added sugar or nasties.
To put it simply:  220-260 calories of this is better than 200 calories worth of empty nutrional beneficent food (eg hash browns!!!).

Make healthy choices.

Sofit xxxxxx

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